Special Gifts from Grandma Rita

japanese incense

This past year, David’s grandmother moved from the Kansas farmhouse where she has lived for almost 60 years and into a retirement community. In the process, she had to do quite a bit of downsizing. Each of her grandkids and their spouses then became the lucky recipients of certain items that she specifically decided to give them this Christmas.

For David, Rita chose two smurf drinking glasses which held two small smurf figurines. The figurines look like they’d seen many a fun time in the hands of little boys, with a solid weight unlike the cheap plastic toys found today. The glasses were in surprisingly good condition, the colors still rich, probably never having seen the inside of a dishwasher. They are almost 25 years old. Due to their fragile nature and the already fullness of our suitcases, we decided to leave them safely at David’s parents for safe-keeping.

For me, Rita chose the 3 ceramic asian bowls, which I love. David’s mom says that they were purchased in California, when David’s parents were living there and Rita came out for a visit. This was before David was even born. The two blue and white pieces with the abstract maple leaf pattern look practically modern. I’ve used the smaller bowl like a lid in the photo, to hide a thin brown fracture in the larger bowl, but I don’t mind it at all. They’re beautiful and I am grateful to have them.

asian bowls

My absolute favorite item that Rita included is a small box of Japanese perfumed incense. This is one of the rare times that Google completely failed me, with no matches to the name Kyonohana. The design and construction of the package and the colors and texture of the incense very much appeals to my inner graphic designer. Although the individual scents are long gone, the general fragrance still lingers in a lightly sweet and transportive way. David’s mom said that each of these items were chosen by Rita, but I can’t help but wonder how she chose what to give. Did she guess I would love these things? Did the fact that I am half asian influence her decision? One day I’d like to ask, but for now I’ll just be grateful, enjoy their beauty, and feel good about remembering to send a thank-you card.

2 Responses to “Special Gifts from Grandma Rita”

  1. 1 pricklypearbloom January 7, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Well, it sure sounds like alot of thought went into gifting those things. That is so nice!

  2. 2 stitchripper January 12, 2008 at 4:08 pm

    Beautiful sentiments. My parents used to sell that incense in their gift shop.

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