Sahalie Falls & Fishing

Sahalie Falls, McKenzie River, Oregon

This is one of two breathtaking waterfalls we saw this weekend. I only got a couple shots before my camera died, and I didn’t have a spare battery with me. The other falls, not far down, was called Koosah Falls. We were in the area so David could do some fly fishing on the McKenzie, which is 2+ hours south of Portland. If my camera had been working, I would have taken some great shots of David reeling in his catch. I’ve been trying to convince him lately that we should start keeping the big ones for dinner (instead of always releasing). He came so close this time, but in the end the beauty of the fish overwhelmed him and he had to let it go. That’s okay, honey, maybe next time.

Postscript: David just showed me this video on how to clean and cook river side trout “McKenzie Style.”

2 Responses to “Sahalie Falls & Fishing”

  1. 1 Kristen September 8, 2008 at 11:11 am

    What gorgeous falls!
    That always happens to me… my battery runs out in the most inappropriate times!

  1. 1 Water « Paperseed Trackback on April 21, 2010 at 12:24 pm
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